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Good Judgment Fuelled by Experience

We provide high-impact media strategy for brand positioning and stakeholder engagement.  Good judgment fueled by experience is behind every decision made on behalf of clients

My public relations experience was  gained as Director and Managing Director of the Media Groups in the New York City offices of Burson-Marsteller and Hill & Knowlton working with some of the best and brightest client managers. it’s a collaborative effort to position an organization as a brand leader and credible news source.

Working With Internal Teams on New Initiatives and Campaigns

I work with leadership teams to develop and implement communication strategies to launch, position and promote products. Often that involves fostering relationships with regulatory agencies and industry partners. When managing issues or heading off a crisis, journalism training and reporting experience count. It closes the gap between what you intend and what your audience hears.

Crisis Communication and Message-Driven Media Training

What I do:

Work with senior leadership teams to manage issues and crisis communication.
Media train spokespeople who prefer to sound committed, not scripted. The time-tested principles of media training are customized to prepare spokespeople to master interviews.
Facilitate workshops for communications teams to give voice to brands.
Create signature initiatives that demonstrate ethical behavior is good for business.  The best companies make choices that address local concerns and reflects positively on the brand’s global footprint.
Position non-profits to shine in a crowded field of worthy causes.

What I believe:

Markets are conversations.” – The Cluetrain Manifesto

“Communication always makes demands. It always demands that the recipient become somebody, do something, believe something. It always appeals to motivation. ” – Peter Drucker

“This dual capacity to make sense of things and to put them into language meaningful to a large number of people gives the person who has it enormous leverage.”  – Louis R. Pondy