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A global pharmaceutical brand had a big challenge – how to get its message out at a time when there are fewer reporters with dedicated beats and fewer still covering the healthcare industry.  The company also wanted to participate in the media debate over the misuse of prescription drugs and engage in conversations with the key players including doctors, pharmacists and other professionals in the pain- management community. Here is what Purdue’s head of public affairs had to say about our collaboration:

“Bodine has insider knowledge of how the news works. She anticipates issues, knows the audience and ways to optimize your key messages. Our Communications team collaborated with Bodine on a special assignment over several months. It’s been a pleasure working with her.”

-Randy Steffan
Vice President, Corporate Affairs
Purdue Pharma Canada

One of Canada’s largest insurance companies was starting the complex the journey to becoming a publicly traded company under new demutualization rules. A mutual property and casualty insurer like this one has many stakeholders to consider, chiefly their employees, agents, customers and government agencies. I worked with the company’s communication teams on a review of all the messages and the crisis planning. As part of the year-long planning process, I media trained the CEO and the entire executive team to prepare for questions from reporters as well as policy holders.

“Bodine, I wanted to thank you for two days of fantastic media training. Participants from both sessions are providing rave reviews and the practical tips and techniques are going to benefit our team and organization going forward.

-Vice President, Communications

Mary Lou Quinlan is the CEO of Just Ask a Woman, the U.S. company that leads in marketing to women. Mary Lou is also the author of Just Ask a Woman: Cracking the Code of What Women Want and How They Buy. Here’s what she said about our collaboration on her memoir of change, Time Off for Good Behaviour:

“Bodine had been recommended to me by a leading author who had known her from her earlier work as a media specialist and messaging expert. From the start she was an astute listener, who insisted on interviewing me to gain an understanding of my views and the intention of the book. Unlike any other media coach, she read the entire book and then defined the key messaging points for me. We rehearsed, she critiqued, we rehearsed and discussed. By the time Bodine worked her magic, I was ready for my first interviews, which came through immediately and successfully, with the New York Times and the CBS Early Show. “

-Mary Lou Quinlan
CEO and Founder, Just Ask a Woman

A global furniture manufacturer wanted to show its commitment to safety in the home after several incidences of tipping furniture had resulted in injuries and deaths of small children. The company asked me to work with their CEO to prepare for a community event on that and relates topics. In addition to partnering with consumers groups and regulatory agencies, the company also wanted to share information with other furniture makers to reduce the risks posed by furniture that is not anchored properly.

Thank you again for a great job with the media training and the Q and A documents.”

-Regional Country Manager

Crisis Communications Clients