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Chronicle Books Acquires The Art of Talking Back By Media Coach Bodine Williams

12 February 2012 One Comment

February 8, 2012, Toronto, ON – Leigh Haber, Editor-at-Large for Chronicle Books announced the acquisition of North American rights for Bodine Williams’ The Art of Talking Back: 21 Celebrited Interviews & Lessons Learned. Agent Sam Hiyate of The Rights Factory arranged the deal.

 The Art of Talking Back presents 21 famous interviews, the players, the fallout and the lessons learned. On her selection Haber, who was the editor for Al Gore’s book, An Inconvenient Truth, said, “I love this book because it does for communicating in a social media-dominated world what the classic Elements of Style continues to do for the printed word.”

The Art of Talking Back is a bible for going on the record. It is the first book to present rules of conduct along with techniques – because interviews reveal character. “In an era where a verbal misstep can reverberate around the globe in seconds, Bodine Williams engagingly and authoritatively instructs us on how to learn from the past, and speak confidently in the present,” said Haber.

Williams, a former journalist for CTV and NBC news was the spokesperson for the International Red Cross and the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative. She is a communications consultant who specializes in helping companies develop verbal identities with brand language and leadership platforms.

The Art of Talking Back presents defining moments from Mitt Romney to Joan of Arc. “This is the age of the interview,” says Williams. “You can’t land a job or get elected president if you can’t ace one.”

For more information, or to arrange an interview with Bodine Williams, please contact:

Joe Murphy

[email protected]

416.506.9930 x 275


One Comment »

  • francoise boureau said:

    Can’t wait.